Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Path: Photoshop Lecture > tool > move tool
Summery: to use highlighter on text.

Let’s make the effect to use highlighter on text.

1. control the brush shape. 

Diameter : 25px ( depend on text size)
Angle : 75
Roundness : 25%

2. Control the Opacity and the Flow.

Opacity :45% 
Flow : 30%
set to enable airbrush capabilities : checked

3. Draw the line on the typing texts.

 Opacity, Flow Differences 

Opacity is transparent degree.

Flow related to the flowed time of the brush.
No real time, depend on the value.
If the value is high the flowed time is long and can draw vivid color. 
If click the [set to enable airbrush capabilities] can understand easily.
Input the flow10 and stay a while brush.
You can find different darkness. 



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